Sunday, March 17, 2019

LAUAN602 - Study Task 4 - Horizon Scanning

My final year is just about to come to a year, and I have to say I have loved my experience at Leeds Arts University. I have made some unforgettable memory's, some life long friendships and gained so much, and I am sad to say goodbye to my university experience.

Exiting Strategy : 

At the moment my short term plan is to return home and get a 9-5 job, and during this time to continuously look for a suitable job that I could work properly long term at.
My ambition is to work as a character designer, animator or a clean up line artist, as these are skills I know I have and could fill if required. I do plan on looking for internships in 2D animation also, as this year I feel a lot more confident with this skill. When considering how I plan to look for a job I will subscribe to websites that post new job vacancies often, I will keep active on linkedIn as I am aware that they have good connection opportunities. I will also keep active with my work, continuously updating my portfolio in order to keep current with my abilities. 
I plan to stay at home after graduation but when it comes to finding a real job, I would live with another person to be able to afford to live away from home. According to '/' a graduate with a year of experience should be earning a 'average annual income of just £20,404' which means I should hope to earn around £450 a week.
As I plan to work in the field of animation and character design, it would be good for me to go to animation festivals, one that I could attend easily is Cardiff animation festival as I have a sister I could go stay with to lower the costs of attending the festival. I plan to reach out and contact people in the field and learn more about what is required to make it in to the profession I want.

According to pay scale the average salary foa Character Designer is $16.90 per hour. Which in pounds is £12.69 per hour.

JOBS :- 

This is a bluezoo job, which is a storyboard clean up artist. I am not a storyboard artist but I am a clean up artist and this is something I could definitely look into.

This is a Junior Digital / Motion designer. It involves being a 2d animator and recently I have been feeling a lot more confident with my animating and would be excited to work as an animator now.

This job calls for a 2d animator and an illustrator, which are two things I can do, therefor this would could be a good job for me.

This is a character Animator Job, this is something I could learn more about as I've seen a lot of jobs, therefor I would like to learn more about it and then maybe get a job.

2D animation jobs


Junior Illustrator/Animator

Bluezoo - 2D animator internship.


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