Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Bio Page

After making a new blog post regarding my CV, I decided it would be good to have a little bio page introducing me as a potential employ. I even took a photo, much to my horror.

I have also been thinking about a way for me to show examples of my work and thought that the way I have created my portfolio Is a very basic art board. Meaning If wanted to show sketches extra I could use that format or a similar format as its simple yet affective way using my brand and showing my work. 

Study Task 3a - The CV .

Originally I did submit a CV, but as my brand has developed I think a create CV would be better, as it will be more eye catching and maybe give me a step above the competition. I created a new version using my branding and the colours to tailor it to me.  I wont upload It to my blog for obvious reasons, but I am happier with my new an improved version.

Monday, April 1, 2019


Today (1st of April) I presented my presentation.

Feedback : 

Have confidence In animating 

Have confidence in communication skills

Pleased with plan 

Keep working

Here are some slides from my presentation. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019


I am a bit new to artstation but so far I am really liking it. You can make projects with it and upload multiple pictures to one project, which means I can upload my portfolio to my artstation, which is exactly what I did.

I really liked this as I wasn't really sure where I could post this as there are around 11 pages of it, so Instagram was out of the question, as I didn't want to flood peoples feeds with my portfolio. Artstation provide a place for me to post it all in one with out flooding people with my artwork.

Here it is, up and running on the website.


Software's I have learnt: - 


I've learnt so much about this program, but there is so much more I can learn and honestly I am excited to learn more about it. I found it such a helpful program to know, as its industry standard I feel its such a good thing to have on my CV as its of industry standard its something I can use to get myself hired will really benefit from having this program in my arsenal.  


I haven't learnt as much as I could about this program, I need to learn a lot more about it and I am aware of this, but I have learnt a little about it and did really enjoy learning all the tools I now have. I still have a lot to learn about this software, but the stuff I do know I think will really benefit me in my future. The things I have learnt are like making a walk cycle, and moving a character, but the program is so big and there is so much more I would like to learn about it, I may use either linkedin learning or or just simple youtube videos, and just have a play with the software.


I am also a bit of a novice when it comes to this software, but again I think its definitely something I can benefit from learning about. I have learnt a little, but don't feel I know a lot about it yet. I enjoy the style that illustrator creates when making art using the software, and want to create more with it.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

How to train your dragon 3

This year I went to see How to train your dragon 3, and honestly loved it. The backgrounds, the characters, the lighting, the everything. 

Even if this is a 3D animation I did find it very inspiring, inspiring enough to make me want to do some 3D for myself, I have contemplated learning some basics of 3D now before the end of Uni while I can still use the software. 

What I really liked about the film was it was a resounding end to the trilogy. There was progression with the characters, they aged up as they usually do with the films, but this version of the film showed us a version of hiccup as a baby, an adult, and then older again when he has children of his own. 

The franchise is fantastic, it definitely takes you on a journey and its just generally fantastic.



This show came out during the beginning of 2018. It was released  onto netfix and was an adaptation of a graphic novel created by Luke Pearson. I love this show.

Its got such a beautiful style, the lighting, the characters, the animation, the thought that's gone into this. I can watch this over and over again and not get board or fedup with it.

The designs are so simple yet so affective, they're appealing, some how have got such a homie relaxing feeling to them, at least they do to me, this may just be a personal thing, even so It such a calming show.

I've taken a lot of inspiration from this show, its got such an iconic style to it. I would love to be able to convey such a cute heart warming character design.

The show follows Hilda a young girl who was raised in the woods with her mother, she makes friends easily with creatures and animals, she then has to move to the city, at first she struggles to make 'normal' friends, but then makes some good friends, she has little adventures. All in all, its a very sweet show, and everyone should give it a go.

Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

Honestly I surprise myself with this one.

I am a major fan of  'TMNT', therefor when I heard news about there being a new one I was excited, and then I saw a preview and I was disappointed, regardless, you cant judge a book by its cover and I thought Id watch some clips on youtube and see what I thought, I am always willing to try any new teenage mutant ninja turtles. I am happy to report that I love the new version of the show, there are a lot of changes but I think that they are quite refreshing changes. 

These are the new designs, when I first saw them I was not a fan. But they have definitely grown on me. What I really liked was the fact that each of the characters are actually a different breed of turtles. 

Donny Is a soft shell turtle
Mikey is a box turtle
Raph is a snapping turtle
and Leo is a red-eared slider turtle. 

I really liked that touch, most of the versions of the turtles have copy and paste versions of the characters that have slight changes, such as weapons, mask colours, obviously personality's are different, but the visuals are not very different.

They also switched the rolls of the characters a little, usually the way the team works is that Leo is the leader, Raphs hot headed, Donnie's smart and quite, Mikey's the clown. In this version, Raphael is actually the leader, Leos sarcastic, Mikey is the youngest and artsy, Donnie is still science orientated, but he's a lot more sarcastic and a bit mean sometimes, even so he's still a good part of the team. 

I really like this change to the team, its really refreshing.

Another thing I really like is the new style that the way the show is actually animated, it has a sort of comic booky anime inspired take, and sometimes when shows do this sort of style it can be cheesy and bad but not in this shows case at all, its done really well, they've thought about when it should switch to a much more exaugurated version of the type of style of animation. 

All in all, I think that this show is really good, its engaging, pleasing to watch, and the characters have such a good dynamic, the show has done such a good way of changing how the characters used to be, I love this new show and am excited to see what comes of it

I also plan on considering verity when designing characters a bit more. The concept of having such a diverse looking group of characters that are still meant to be siblings. I think its refreshing to see this sort of thing, and am excited to contemplate when creating characters of my own.


Making the show reel and the portfolio.

As my focus lays in character design, I decided that I should make a portfolio of my work. Even so, I do have turn arounds, and some animation I have made to show there for I have made a short show reel showing off some of these things.

My portfolio is my main point of focus, I descided to add a boreder and my logo to give a distinct look to the bords that gves it that element of professionalism. I had also had a look at some other peoples portfolios and they had added little elements to there boards and I liked this appearance. 

I felt it was important to show some of my working out and rough art in my portfolio as it showed my process and development. Overall I am quite pleased with my portfolio and plan on putting it on my art station. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

LAUAN602 - Study Task 2 - Networking 3

I have had around 5 responses for the ten people I contacted, and the responses I got were really helpful. I did not ask permission to post responses therefor I wont post the answers I got on here, but I will do a brief list of some of the most helpful advise I got.

1. Join Facebook groups about software you want to learn - tips and tricks etc.

2.  Look into books about joining tv - one person had actually written one, that I plan on buying.

3. Keep Motivated after uni.

4. Less feedback in studio, which means I will have to be my own critique, so Ill definitely have to work on my skills.

I have made a better document with much more detail in it, but I don't wont to post it with out permission.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

LAUAN602 - Study Task 3 - Marketing yourself 2

I recently tried to get my business card printed, but when I uploaded my images to the website, they where the wrong size, which I thought was very unusual as I had done some research into the sizes but some how I still managed to get it wrong, which make me feel honestly disappointed in myself.

Even so, I decided this was a blessing rather than a curse as I feel like my logo and my card didn't match at all, which is not a very good business idea.

Therefor here are my new cards and my new logo as I wanted them to match. I used the colour that I used for the stripes on my top, which is now sort of my go to colour for my branding, I find that its not to much of an in your face colour, its a mellow colour that's soft on the eyes which Is something I wanted. 

I also have made an email signature for my professional email. Which honestly I really enjoyed doing, Its not something I had ever done before and It makes me feel quite professional, which overall is my goal. 

Medi-Hâf Edwards
Character Design, Clean Up Artist & Animator

Heres a video that shows that the links work.

I also wrote a new bio for my social medias, as I wanted to make sure that all my socials hade the same description, I've done this as its a way for me to just tidy up all my socials, almost like tying it all up with a neat little bow. 

Medi-Haf Edwards
Leeds art University
Character Designer, Clean up artist, Animator
Twitter :  Instagram: @Medshaf_art

I also made a letter header and footer, so If I plan on sending a letter it fits my brand.

My Invoice

Im really pleased with both these things, I definitely feel that I am going to benefit heavily from having these things, If I am planning on doing some freelance work (which I am), these are definitely things I will benefit from having now ready for when I need to use them. 

I've also created a swot analysis: 


Line art
Character Design
Team work
Time management


Knowledge of other software's


Live briefs
Contacting Professionals
Learn ToonBoom



Unknown software

I do also plan on building a website, as a way to professionally show my work portfolio online. I think Id benefit from this as if a studio asks for a digital portfolio I could quickly send over a link to my website and not just my Instagram that I would not feel overly happy about sending over.

I have tweaked my business card (again) as its missing my artstation and the logos of the social medias where not clear they had quite a blurred careless look, which is not something I want to portray when selling myself to clients. 

I am much happier with this, the card looks clearer and much more organised.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

LAUAN602 - Study Task 4 - Horizon Scanning

My final year is just about to come to a year, and I have to say I have loved my experience at Leeds Arts University. I have made some unforgettable memory's, some life long friendships and gained so much, and I am sad to say goodbye to my university experience.

Exiting Strategy : 

At the moment my short term plan is to return home and get a 9-5 job, and during this time to continuously look for a suitable job that I could work properly long term at.
My ambition is to work as a character designer, animator or a clean up line artist, as these are skills I know I have and could fill if required. I do plan on looking for internships in 2D animation also, as this year I feel a lot more confident with this skill. When considering how I plan to look for a job I will subscribe to websites that post new job vacancies often, I will keep active on linkedIn as I am aware that they have good connection opportunities. I will also keep active with my work, continuously updating my portfolio in order to keep current with my abilities. 
I plan to stay at home after graduation but when it comes to finding a real job, I would live with another person to be able to afford to live away from home. According to '/' a graduate with a year of experience should be earning a 'average annual income of just £20,404' which means I should hope to earn around £450 a week.
As I plan to work in the field of animation and character design, it would be good for me to go to animation festivals, one that I could attend easily is Cardiff animation festival as I have a sister I could go stay with to lower the costs of attending the festival. I plan to reach out and contact people in the field and learn more about what is required to make it in to the profession I want.

According to pay scale the average salary foa Character Designer is $16.90 per hour. Which in pounds is £12.69 per hour.

JOBS :- 

This is a bluezoo job, which is a storyboard clean up artist. I am not a storyboard artist but I am a clean up artist and this is something I could definitely look into.

This is a Junior Digital / Motion designer. It involves being a 2d animator and recently I have been feeling a lot more confident with my animating and would be excited to work as an animator now.

This job calls for a 2d animator and an illustrator, which are two things I can do, therefor this would could be a good job for me.

This is a character Animator Job, this is something I could learn more about as I've seen a lot of jobs, therefor I would like to learn more about it and then maybe get a job.

2D animation jobs


Junior Illustrator/Animator

Bluezoo - 2D animator internship.
