Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I'm surprised that I hadn't made a post on this one sooner. Teenage mutant ninja turtles, classic, remade...and remade again. (And again). To narrow it down a little I'm going to discuss three versions of them, 1987, 2003 and 2012. The 2003 version is the one I resonate most with, due to it being the version I grew up with, I distinctively remember my sister shouting to turn the telly off on a Saturday morning as I was watching the turtles to loudly.
The story of the turtles is different from series to series, so to narrow it down, 4 turtles and a man/rat (depending on the version) get mutated by a chemical they call ooz. This turns them into humen-esk creatures that learn how to become ninjas from Splinter their adopted father the rat/human. They live in the sewer and eat a diet that consist of pizza.
The story of the show usually follows them fighting crime, whether that be Shredder or the Purple Dragons. The Purple Dragons are a gang that roam the streets of new York, whereas Shredders clan is a group on ninjas, and depending on the show they have different goals. 
One of my favourite things about this show, is the use of the voice actor Rob Paulson, as he is my favourite voice actor, voicing other characters like Yakko, Pinky, Danny Phantoms father etc... . Aside from that I love the characters personality's as each have very distinctive traits. Michelangelo being the crazy fun one, Raphael being angry and angsty, Leonardo being the leader and Donatello being the smart one.



As you can see they have similarity's with each regeneration of the characters, but there are some noticeable differences. As time has gone by they've become much more goofy characters, compared with the 2003.

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