Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Butter Lover

This, this ones a strange one. The animation its self is extremely well done. Its smooth, the rules of animation have been used well, and the character design is extremely well done. The storyline follows a cashiers getting suspicious of a man that repeatedly comes into the store asking to buy butter. Eventually the casher asks the guy why he wants so much butter, the answer is not what you'd expect it to be. There's good use of colour, and the voice acting is very well done, and is animated well.
The reason I wanted to make a post about this animation was mainly due to how strange the storyline really is, it intrested me, and I want awnser from this animation, that I'm unlikely ever to get. There may be a joke here that I am failing too see and realise, and If someone does know the joke I'd apprecaiate an explanation.

(Warning: use of swearing)

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