Saturday, October 22, 2016

Task 1 - Who am I? why am I here? What do I want to learn? 

Q & A

The first question... 'Why did you chose to study on this program?'. Well, for me I have to say I'd heard a lot of good things about the college, hearing about many qualified artists that attended.  I knew from other's experiences that Leeds is a nice place to live, as the city its self is a very relaxed place, so I thought I'd give it a shot, and I'm very happy that I did. I also really enjoyed visiting the college for my interview finding the tutors and students to be very welcoming.

Question number two...'What do you want to learn during your time on the programme?'. I would like to learn the basic principles of animation (which we have discussed a little already).  I'd also like to broaden my knowledge on animation, as I know there is a lot of different takes on animation out there and would like to learn more about them. Another thing that I would be interested in learning is how to find work in industry, as I feel that would be extremely beneficial for myself and my classmates futures. I am very exited to learn the different styles of animation, and am extremely looking forward to playing and learning. And finally I would like to learn about sound recording and how to correctly record high quality sound clips.  

Number three What skills do you think are your strengths?'. I feel that my strengths lye in computing. I find using a computer to be one of my favourite things, and find that I can pick up new techniques etc.. quite quickly with them. I feel that I am quite well versed in using Photoshop and other adobe programs. I also feel I have relatively good skills when it comes to photography. I also really enjoy drawing digitally over any other media, but I would like to change that up a little. Which brings me to the next question..'What things that you want to improve?' As I mentioned, I would like to better my ability's in drawing traditionally, and If I am honest just better my drawing skills in general. My greatest weakness falls in my ability's to read and write, as I suffer from dyslexia (hens how badly this is written). I also find my organisation skills to be extremely pore. I've never been an organised person.  

Final question..'What ways you will evaluate your progress?' I will reflect on work I have done previously. And I will assess and adapt in order to improve. I will compare my work with others and take on board and constructive criticism given, and use that knowledge to better my work.

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